2016年3月23日 星期三

小吃: 烤青瓜/翠玉瓜 (附自製麵包糠)


1. 食譜是經過社交平台的認定,不是我自創的,所以大家可以安心參考。
2. 作品是不一定成功的,因為是我自己弄的,所以大家不一定需要參考。

今日試弄的是小吃: 烤青瓜/翠玉瓜

麵包糠 - 3片方包的量   (可以依附加部份自製 / 買市面上的 "Shake n'Bake")
全蛋 - 1隻 打起備用
黑椒 - 少許
青瓜 / 翠玉瓜 - 2條 / 1條 (我是用了日本的小青瓜)
Parmeson 芝士 - 少許



放入烤箱烤 12-15分鐘, 就完成了!!!!!!!

烤完出來很香,但吃起來感覺青瓜水份太多,可能用翠玉瓜效果更佳,不過也不錯吃,如果看電影或電視劇的時候,差一道零嘴小吃,這也是滿健康好吃的~ 但是要吃快一點,冷了那個口感就差好遠了。

下面是附上的 自製麵包糠

方包 - 份量看你需要多少~





2013年12月31日 星期二

"If Only for a second" project

A meaningful project …for more information, check out


2013年12月28日 星期六


在電影Notthing Hill中有一幕我到現在還好深刻的,就是男女主角在男主角家中觀看他掛在壁上的一幅畫,他們對白如下:

Anna Scott: I can't believe you have that picture on your wall.
William: You like Chagall?
Anna Scott: I do. It feels like how being in love should be. Floating through a dark blue sky.
William: With a goat playing the violin.
Anna Scott: Yes - happiness isn't happiness without a violin-playing goat.

這幅畫作其實是畫家Marc Chagall(夏卡爾)的作品叫作“La Mariée” ,英文即The Bride(新娘)。在戲中,女主角好驚訝男主角的家中有這幅畫作,她表示好喜歡夏卡爾的畫,她覺得戀愛的感覺就如同畫中浮動在深藍的天空一樣,男主角則開玩笑回應說”還要伴隨一隻在拉小提琴的山羊。“,女主角最後就附和回應說,“對,沒有會拉琴的山羊,快樂就不再是快樂了。”

La Mariée by Marc Chagall


﹣Cow: Substainer of life. Another notion is that Chagall is striving to unite the bestial and the rational, the spontaneous and the studied, man and beast.

﹣Goat: The goat is a Jewish symbol for the day of atonement - a feast when the sins of the people were once symbolically expiated

﹣Tree: another life symbol.

﹣Cock: At times fertility, often painted together with lovers.

﹣Red Rooster: Forgiveness & atonement.

﹣Bosom: eroticism and fertility of life (Chagall loved and respected women).

﹣Fiddler: Celebration and mourning. In Chagall's village the fiddler made music at cross-points of life (birth, wedding, death). Its wider Russian significance is that of the failed revolution of 1905. The leader of this revolution was a Jewish fiddler named Sormus, who led workers through the streets to fight for their rights. Chagall saw himself in the fiddler, a solitary, isolated individual.

﹣Herring (often also painted as a flying fish): commemorates Chagall's father working in a fish factory.

﹣Pendulum Clock: time, and modest life (in the time of prosecution at the Loire River the pendulum seems being driven with force into the wooden box of the pendulum clock).

﹣Candlestick: Some say it's purely a Jewish religious symbol - two candles symbolize the Shabbat or the Menorah, and therefore the life of pious Jews.
I think the candles represent far more that a religious icon; unity, love, warmth, direction, and romance... depending on the painting you must decide.

﹣Windows: Chagall's Love of Freedom, and Paris through the window.

﹣Houses of Vitebsk (often in paintings of his time in Paris): feelings for his homeland.

﹣Scenes of the Circus: Harmony of Man and Animal, which induces Creativity in Man.

﹣Crucifixion of Jesus: an unusual subject for a Jewish painter, and likely a response to the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany in the late 1930s.

﹣Horses: One source said the horse represents freedom, in many Chagall paintings this doesn't seem to fit. I see the horse representing strength, particularly in the marriage union (Kunstler And His Wife), sexuality (Couple In Blue)

﹣The Eiffel Tower: Up in the sky, freedom.





2013年12月24日 星期二

A Quote by Oswald Chambers

Even though I don't have in faith in Christianity, I like this quote by Oswald Chambers very much.

“Naturally, we are inclined to be so mathematical and calculating that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing..Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life—gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation."

― Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

2013年12月21日 星期六

Fragments of Iceland from Lea et Nicolas Features on Vimeo

Fragments of Iceland from Lea et Nicolas Features on Vimeo.




Music: The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build A Home

There is a house built out of stone
Wooden floors, walls and window sills
Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home

'Cause, I built a home
For you
For me

Until it disappeared
From me
From you

And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust

Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
There is a tree as old as me
Branches were sewn by the color of green
Ground had arose and passed it's knees

By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on as tightly as you held onto me
I held on as tightly as you held onto me

And, I built a home
For you
For me

Until it disappeared
From me
From you

And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust

2013年12月14日 星期六



原公司(品牌公司)委托合同進行產品開發和制造,用原公司商標,由原公司銷售或經營的合作經營生產方式。與現代工業社會有著密切的關系,也稱為“代工”或“貼牌生產”。一些著名的品牌商品制造商,常常因為自己的廠房不能達到大批量生產的要求,又或者需要某些特定的零件,因此向其他廠商求助。這些伸出援手的廠商就被稱為OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始設備生產商)。如將之引申到IT領域的話,則表示那些進行代工的生產商。例如CPU風扇,Intel或AMD公司本身並不生產,它們通常會找像日本三洋公司這樣的專業電機制造企業作風扇OEM生產。






OBM ( Own Branding & Manufacturing  )

OBM 則是自創品牌,直接經營消費市場。除了必須具備 OEM 與 ODM 的基本能力外,在擁有技術、品質以及創新的前提下,自創品牌,且具有產品的通路能力與售後服務能力與服務據點,能直接行銷消費市場。國內的電腦大廠「宏碁」 ( ACER ) 與「華碩」 ( ASUS ),手機廠「宏達電 」( HTC ) 皆是這種類型的製造商。

2013年12月11日 星期三

Fake Empire-The National

I first listened to this song about four or five years ago.

The song is good, but I never found it haunting.

but until now, after my three months time in Macau, I think this song is GREAT.

Stay out super late tonight
Picking apples, making pies
Put a little something in our lemonade
And take it with us

We're half awake in a fake empire
We're half awake in a fake empire

Tiptoe through our shiny city
With our diamond slippers on
Do our gay ballet on ice
Bluebirds on our shoulders

We're half awake in a fake empire
We're half awake in a fake empire

Turn the light out, say goodnight
No thinking for a little while
Let's not try to figure out everything at once
It's hard to keep track of you falling through the sky

We're half awake in a fake empire
We're half awake in a fake empire